What does the SFSA do?

Essentially, there are two, interlocking parts to our organisation.

1. Fan Representation

Firstly, we act as a union for Scottish football supporters, representing, as far as possible, the varied interests of fans the length and breadth of the country. We listen to their concerns and conduct regular research and surveys to find out what they are thinking about the major issues in the game today. Whilst we accept that fans’ views differ on various subjects, we strive to bring consensus and present a unified front, asking (often awkward) questions of the football authorities, politicians and the media where we believe it is important to do so.  Underpinning everything we do is our firm belief that all fans have the right to attend any match in safety and free from intimidation and danger.

2. Think Tank

We seek to lead and to influence, communicating the concerns of the ordinary fan to the media and those in the football and political worlds who share our desire to improve Scottish football. We have no monopoly of wisdom, but by listening to fans’ comments and concerns and conducting independent studies, we aim to find out what they are thinking about the major issues in the game today.  The results of our work are invariably reported widely in the media and are frequently noted by the football authorities.

Among the many issues that we have an interest in are: better governance of the game, including (amongst others) the debate over the need for a football regulator for Scotland (as is being introduced in England);  how to improve the game for disabled fans and players;  the importance of grassroots football for the long-term development and improvement of Scottish football at every level;  community ownership – where we have vast experience of the various models across Europe and will work with any fans’ group in Scotland to further the democratic aims and ownership objectives they wish to achieve; the impact of gambling;  fan behaviour (including pyrotechnics and hooliganism); our ongoing campaign to encourage fans to become referees (and thus address the shortage of officials in different parts of the country); and, of course, how Scottish football is structured and organised.

Our organisation is FREE to join for fans’ groups and for individuals who share our aim of ensuring that Scottish football thrives and develops for future generations to enjoy as we, our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents have done over the years.  Please do sign up and make your voice, and the voices of your fans’ organisations, heard –  JOIN US HERE

Partnership opportunity…

We are keen to partner with like minded organisations who share our values and goals.  These range from charities who are concerned about gambling, to women’s fans’ groups, disabled groups and Tartan Army groups, amongst others.  To join them – Click here to download our partnership document…

Contact us

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our work or have any questions, please email or call us here.

Media Enquiries

The key members of our senior management team are all available for interview and comment.

Stuart Murphy, CEO

Alastair Blair, Director of Operations

Andy Smith, Chair

Charity work (Malawi, Billy Bremner) and SFSA Sponsorship/Fundraising 

Paul Goodwin

Stanhope House
12 Stanhope Place
EH12 5HH

PLEASE NOTE:  Individual blogs or articles on our website, whether from our board or individual members or guest writers do not necessarily reflect the corporate views of the SFSA